
Inquiry into the nature of Distraction

The major question is - what causes distraction/ wavering of the mind from discrimination?

An impure intellect, identified with sensations at some level keeps on wavering from the real.

It keeps on forgetting the principles of truth and keeps on moving into the world of objects, sensations, memories, judgements.

At the root is psychological time - the understanding of all mental beings of there being a yesterday where one was, today where one is and tomorrow where one will be.

The field of becoming is alive. Efforts are made to produce desired states. Resolutions are made to produce desired states.

What man forgets is that all states are temporary. They cannot produce lasting peace.
They do not have meaning. They are transient. Achievement of such states produces temporary rest in the mind. But not much more.

Owing to such mental conditions, distraction from the real is gauranteed.

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