
Greater Freedom

I find this to be a very important question to my life

Is getting what one wants a greater freedom or freedom from want a greater freedom.

I believe that freedom from want is greater, but i find that society think quite otherwise.


Anonymous said...

so you want freedom from want. do YOU see the recursion here too :D ?

Siddharth Sharma said...

Recursion is hardly a problem

Algo Freedom
if no want print("Free")
kill a want

Only if humans were comps :D

Anonymous said...

Depends upon the quality of life 1 wants to live with.
But in my views, a life free from want is greatly worth living with...

Anonymous said...

even u want something... so u can never get rid of want...

Anonymous said...

you and are a part of this society ..and we build it...it is impossible to be free from want although that is what is said to be the path to a better living..but freedom from want would mean..
not wanting to have good food..
not being happy to have a new ipod..
not buying another pair of jeans when you already have 6..
and that
doesnt happen!!!
