
EFT Works!!!

Vipul guided me through a good, enriching, enjoyable and morale boosting session of EFT therapy(not exactly) over IM a few minutes back.

EFT notes
1.) Note down all blocks to the statement:
"i am a light to this world."
vn_cyber (6/28/2006 11:05:23 PM): so we are agreed that you have strong writings on your walls, and you need to whitewash your walls

vn_cyber (6/28/2006 10:19:56 PM): Couple of things about affirmations
vn_cyber (6/28/2006 10:20:02 PM): State things in the positive
vn_cyber (6/28/2006 10:20:07 PM): Direct, first person
vn_cyber (6/28/2006 10:20:17 PM): Showing choice and control

vn_cyber (6/28/2006 11:15:33 PM): so much aware of your skin you forget the heart underneath. wow that a new one. i gotta know where my heart is
Siddharth (6/28/2006 11:20:56 PM): why should i be dull and underperform

vn_cyber (6/28/2006 11:26:04 PM): We said something like: "I am a light to this world"
vn_cyber (6/28/2006 11:26:09 PM): and you came up with lots of tail enders
namely i don't keep my word. dont follow wat i preach. i m so dull myself .too lazy 2 do gud. why do u say that, whats the motive? no energy 2 be a light. i am not good at handling situations in the world i hv unresolved fears. what the hell is this. why the hell is this.

vn_cyber (6/28/2006 11:30:13 PM): Okay, now let's start removing your blocks
vn_cyber (6/28/2006 11:30:17 PM): pick on one of them
vn_cyber (6/28/2006 11:30:29 PM): "I don't put theory into practice"
Siddharth (6/28/2006 11:30:39 PM): yes
vn_cyber (6/28/2006 11:30:56 PM): Now hit your head with your knucles and say
vn_cyber (6/28/2006 11:31:18 PM): "Even though I don't put theory into practice, I love and value myself and believe I am a light unto this world"
vn_cyber (6/28/2006 11:31:27 PM): Get your head active

vn_cyber (6/28/2006 11:35:24 PM): now hit your moustache and say "I used to feel like a sham and a fake, but I've always loved myself and I'll prove I am a light to this world"
vn_cyber (6/28/2006 11:42:03 PM): Its the systematic way of saying them and the kinesthetic stimulation you give to your mind and body by hitting yourself
vn_cyber (6/28/2006 11:42:17 PM): you're giving yourself that love of touch
vn_cyber (6/28/2006 11:42:35 PM): touch is something we hunger for

vn_cyber (6/28/2006 11:44:38 PM): just make a list of creative statements, keep hitting your head and forehead and your lips and your collarbone
vn_cyber (6/28/2006 11:58:20 PM): which means that what is really needed is offline effort

vn_cyber (6/28/2006 11:58:57 PM): when you feel down, you want to make that effort
vn_cyber (6/28/2006 11:59:30 PM): not to find me online or chance upon vivekananda or just drift around
vn_cyber (6/29/2006 12:00:42 AM): When you feel down, jot down your thoughts
vn_cyber (6/29/2006 12:00:46 AM): try this tapping business
vn_cyber (6/29/2006 12:06:09 AM): blog you life, your experiences, your frustrations
vn_cyber (6/29/2006 12:06:23 AM): your blogs can be a guiding light to others who face similar problems
vn_cyber (6/29/2006 12:16:42 AM): write what you feel
vn_cyber (6/29/2006 12:16:49 AM): write what you learn both in professional life

Key Points apart from EFT details:
1. I don't respond 2 his mails. not very gud. :)
2. To learn to get high on work - take this link : You and Your Research
3. Negative tendency kills me. Distracts me from the gud i can do

Siddharth (6/28/2006 10:18:37 PM): he negative trend has to be destroyed now
vn_cyber (6/28/2006 10:18:44 PM): double negative, dude
vn_cyber (6/28/2006 10:18:55 PM): the positive trend begins now

this is typical of what i mean
4. "Are You Ready For Success" - Sri Kumar Rao


Vipul Naik said...

Lo SS,

Glad to see you've put up the experience online. That shows a lot of integrity and bravery on your part. Would love it if you spread the word about the page. I'd also recommend you (and other viewing your page) to have a look at my Blog and leave comments.


Vipul Naik said...

People might also be interested in the Official EFT web site and in the Palace of Possibilities which formed the basis of our online session.