
Some Thinking and Resolution

These are the questions of perennial trouble and utter confusion for me.

I've never had a clear idea about these.

A few thoughts going thru my mind

1.) At a personal level, pure dispassion is the best way i have ever lived . I lived in amazing clarity during those times when i was highly dispassionate.
2.) I do not see ego centered desires being satiated ever. They will lead to more and more desires.
3.) Despite my friend Vipul's continuous efforts to make me believe otherwise, i don't think passion is the correct manner to progress for me. It just isn't. Doesn't work. Doesn't click with my sensibilities either.
4.) I shall try and derive my motivation to do well from the things that i really posit faith in, and attaching oneself passionately to objects in the world is a certain no-no in that regard.
Proactively subjecting myself to the ideas of the great people i believe in will help me do this -
One of the most wonderful ones i saw was a quote from the buddha -
"Idleness is the way of the foolish. Diligence is the way of the wise". Will do a full analysis of this.
5.) I clearly recognize certain weaknesses in my personality which need to be attended to. I am very keen on developing qualities such as industry (in plain words, ablilty to slug it out), courage, self belief, diligence and long term vision.
6.) I'll try and interact with poeple as much as possible to fine tune my understanding of the world and to help them out with what i know.
7.) I understand that the aim i set myself is very tough, but it is indeed possible. It is stupid for me to accept goals set by other people / goals that simply aren't me enough.
8.) I have got somewhat of an existentialist attitude right now[using the term very loosely]. I feel that really i have to assert what i am and what i want.
9.) I have woken up to the fact that i have 40-50 years of my life still left to spend on something / someway. I have to make a choice as to what i wish to do with them. Even as each second ticks by, i have to make choices.

Now, a key thing is an action plan that crystallizes out of the thoughts. I have to decide how i spend my energies, resources, time and towards what end.

The immediate end i see for myself is the proper development of 2 things :

1.) Sense restraint - Development of this will certainly give me a confidence boost, tremendous confidence boost undeniably. I want this.
2.) Industry and Commitment - I have never had these 2 qualities in me. They are essential to give me the necessary confidence to move higher.

More Concretely :

Commitment to What?

Very Easy to Determine

1.) At the professional level, knowledge and skill counts. Thats what i am committed to developing. And a long term vision too.
very specifically : I m committed to a expansion of knowledge this sem.
undertaking of meaningful projects to apply my knowledge.
doin my GRE prep very well.
With this i get in a position to even help other ppl out on the technical front.

2.) I wish to exorcise the ghosts of procrastination ASAP with a commitment to putting in atleast 4 hrs of productive activity a day with clear aims.

I have a purpose now, and the purpose is correct, healthy living and attaining to the ideals which are possible and not quixotic.

1 comment:

Vipul Naik said...


This was your best post so far. The clear thinking and clear English stunned me.

There's a book on Procrastination by Burka and Yuen you might be interested in. I bought the Indian edition (under 200 bucks). Here is the Amazon link.
