
The Winning Ethic

I find that somewhere inside me, without having noticed it, i like that others should fail.

Now this is a classic case of the defeatist ethic.

If one can replace it by a genuine appreciation of people's efforts towards excellence, it would hold me in a better stead to approach excellence myself.

That would be the winning ethic.

To aim for the highest success myself and to rejoice in success, regardless of whether it come to me or someone else, as long as the bar is taken higher, better results are achieved is the way to go.

This attitude wud help me go far.

1 comment:

Vipul Naik said...


Fully agree with you there. I've been trying to understand things from that perspective myself as you might see from my currently "under construction" blog on Thinking Beyond Competition.

Remember, however, that wanting to do your best and to better others is no crime -- that is what drives us towards excellence. The performance of others is a benchkar against which to measure one's own performance. What is dangerous is when we fool ourselves into thinknig we've done a good job when we see somebody else fail.