
Experiment with goal setting

I’ve set myself the goal to reduce my weight to somewhere around 70 kg and in line with that, I’ve decided to get into the habit of 1 hr of exercise each day, which is right now playing basketball.

Have succeeded for the 2 days. Hope to keep it going for the whole month.

Long term aim is to develop will power and learn the ways of mobilizing energy.

The power of visualizing success is undeniable. It certainly helps in achieving ones aim.
have tried it a few times and it helps to tap in the reserves that we have.

The power of clarity is also there. once u r clear that u want to to do something, it becomes a whole lot easier.

1 comment:

Vipul Naik said...


You might like to check the following page on weight loss in the EFT website:

Weight loss using EFT.

It contains lots of success stories of people who have lost weight.
